Mistletoe Heights Association
Quarterly Meeting
May 18, 2021 7:00PM
Officers in attendance:
President: Mark Philpot
Vice President: Corey Bearden
Treasurer: Jeri Jo Blackmon
Secretary: Val Ewing
Venue: Zoom format with 13 in attendance
Call to Order: 7:06 PM
President: Topic of COVID19 pandemic was discussed and thoughts on when it would be appropriate to open the neighborhood to community events. Dr. Ewing was asked to weigh in on this topic. Currently the actual number of vaccinated people is not big enough to begin engaging in public events. He discussed the importance of getting vaccinated. He also mentioned that the reality is perhaps only 60% of the population will get vaccinated which leaves the vulnerable population at risk including children under age 12 and those who are immunocompromised who received the vaccine. The virus is not going away so it’s important that people understand they have two options: get vaccinated or get covid. The vaccines are safe, very effective at prevention and much safer than getting the virus. He would like to see a neighborhood push to encourage people to get vaccinated. For now, following CDC guidelines is important.
Vice President: July 4th event. Corey spoke with Berkeley president regarding July 4 plans and their neighborhood is planning an outdoor parade at LBC. For our neighborhood, the plan is to have a Triangle parade for the children, maybe a balloon station, face painting. No bounce house. They will encourage people to wear masks but not require it.
Treasurer: Quarterly Update – its dues season! Dues notice went out in March and so far $800 donated. Dues season runs March through October. Please mail your check payable to Mistletoe Heights Association to 1408 Mistletoe Drive. To pay using Pay Pal, go to http://www.mistletoeheights.org/dues.html Dues report discussed: bank balance is $23,749. There are now two banks to separate book order monies from routine expenses. Book orders: $2800 for the historic book. We anticipate more orders once published. Good news, the city is paying for water at Newby, the Berm, and the Triangle. Have we mentioned that it’s dues season? Send in your donations please, every little bit helps support our neighborhood.
Secretary: Minutes from our last neighborhood meeting approved.
· 100-year-old celebration: TBD and pending update from Mrs. Leslie Houston.
· 8th/Mistletoe Blvd Traffic discussion: Original Date - May 2021, in progress
· Quiet Zone: pending FWRR finalizing plans. No update on this.
· TexRail Progress: a committee was created with 17 members volunteering to be involved. Claudia Camp had conversation with Mike B/Near Southside. The president of Trinity Metro wants to work with us and build a station that complements our neighborhood. About nine years ago, the subject of a metro station came up and was very divisive. The subject is back, and it’s clear the station is going to happen regardless so the point of the committee is to make sure that as this build occurs, it does so in a way that is a betterment to the neighborhood. This requires getting our voice in early.
· Atmos Gas installation Phase 2: Atmos will be replacing gas lines along the following blocks: Mistletoe Drive, Clara, West Rosedale south, Harrison 2200 block, Mistletoe Ave 2300/2100 blocks. Question: are they eventually going to replace lines on every street? No.
· Forest Park Pool Party w/ Berkeley (TBD)
· July 4th Parade - Sun, July 4 (TBD)
· MH Neighborhood Zoom Meeting - Tues, August 17th (TBD)
· Movie Night - Sat, Oct 9th(TBD)*
· National Night Out - October 10th (approx) (TBD)*
· Pumpkin judging - October 30th - *
· Bow tying Party - Nov 10th - (approx)*
· MH Neighborhood Meeting - Tuesday, November 9th
Final question: what’s going on with Mr. Jakes? A corporation bought the gas station and it is being remodeled. No date of completion available yet.
Adjourn 8:30 pm